On The Way Via LA 2
Nice day in LA with a long layover. The Qantas flight doesn’t leave until 8:30pm. Talked with Ellen this morning. Sounds like Boston is going to be as warm as Auckland by the time I get there.
She suggested that I go out to the Getty Museum. It sounded like a good idea until I looked into getting there. It is about a half-hour drive from the airport and renting a car, the only reasonable way to get there, would be about $90. So much for that idea. Looks like a day of waiting and reading.
Nothing like a dork moment. I was walking out of my hotel room this morning and the maid was in the hall. She pointed out that I had something stuck to my pantleg, It was the long plastic strip that shows the size when it is on the shelf in the store. I’d forgotten to take it off and went around all day yesterday wearing it.
Friday, January 5, 2007