Arriving in Auckland
It has been a long time between posts. So this is the first in a series of recollections starting with flight and arrival in Auckland.
After leaving LA, the flight was uneventful, but not particularly comfortable. The flight was completely full. The seat was in a good location, but there was a box on the floor by the aisle that reduced my foot room so I had to sit at an angle if I tried to stretch out.
On the other hand, arriving in Auckland was eventful. First, I was stopped at Customs because their computer said I was a visitor, not a returning resident. I had to go wait for that to be cleared (Go sit on the bench, son). Fortunately, they figured out that it was just a computer glitch by the time my luggage arrived.  
Then Customs told me to go to a particular  exit aisle (1) because I was carrying too much alcohol (scotch for Mark & Tom, rum for Russell & Pieter. But first I had to get trough MaF. Since I had so much food (Gift bags of edible goodies for friends, they sent me to aisle 4. When I mentioned that I had already been told to go to aisle 1, they said, No, go to 4. So I did.
After closely examining each jar of cranberry sauce and each jug of maple syrup, they let me go and kept the customs form and sent to the exit. I mentioned aisle , but no it out to the terminal. No extra duty. Good on ya, MaF.
Monday, January 15, 2007